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Writer's pictureoneilldoug52

A font, a baptism, and exciting new things

Today was my first weekend Mass in Kansas City. Given that the archdiocese prohibits congregational singing during this time, I just chanted and played to my heart's content. More important than my first day was the fact that a newly restored baptismal font was blessed, and right away, it was used to baptize a girl name Mariela. She wasn't a baby; she looked to be about 8 years old, and who knows why she wasn't baptized earlier? It was lovely to witness, especially when the Gospel today was the parable about the seed falling on rocky soil and being choked, and in fertile ground to be fruitful. I have the inclination that this ground will be fertile, both for that girl, and in my work here. The sound of that running water in the font was beautiful to my ears. There is newness of life, a new Christian, and promise of great new things to come. The Church has been subject to much criticism, some of it earned, but THIS is where it's at, because the Holy Spirit is at work. Buckle your seat belts, folks.

There was a nice piece by Fr. Nick on singing the propers, and a letter of introduction by yours truly, in the bulletin. Here's a link to it:

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