oneilldoug52Jan 28, 20225 min readReflections on Teaching KindergartenAt Christ the King School, I teach music to all students Grades K-8. Not to toot my own horn, but - I have two graduate degrees in music...
oneilldoug52Sep 10, 20202 min readDay 2Today I had K through 3rd grades for their second classes, and we started right in with the Mass responses. Right off the bat, we are...
oneilldoug52Sep 9, 20201 min readFirst Day of SchoolThe adventure at Christ the King Classical School started today. I am exhausted, having taught all nine grade levels in one day, with...
oneilldoug52Jul 14, 20203 min readSome thoughts on reopening schools, with more questions than answersAre we trying to control a situation over which we have little control? There is a debate raging these days about reopening schools on...
oneilldoug52Jul 11, 20201 min readA font, a baptism, and exciting new thingsToday was my first weekend Mass in Kansas City. Given that the archdiocese prohibits congregational singing during this time, I just...
oneilldoug52Jul 3, 20202 min readCOVID-19 and teachingCOVID-19 hospitalizations are on the rise again, and it's not just old people. People in their '40s and '50s are getting sick. Hey, I'm...
oneilldoug52Jul 1, 20203 min readFirst day of workFinally, I got to see where I will be working, and met my coworkers. The principal Cathy Fithian gave me a tour of the school, and I had...
oneilldoug52Jul 1, 20201 min readFirst day in Kansas CitySujin, Evan and I arrived in Kansas City today, and are staying at the Sanctuary of Hope, a retreat center, until our apartment is ready...